Sunday, March 22, 2015


Yup! It was time! I'm always cooking and baking, and I love nothing more than sharing good foods and recipes with others! SO....rather than copying and pasting my recipes into emails, Facebook postings and messages, and so forth, it was time to put together my own blog and start sharing some of these food ideas, the good ones, AND the bad ones (hopefully there will be more of the former!) with everyone!

Tonight I made a really nice Pecan Shortbread Strawberry Tart that I am anxious for you to see and try! In true confessions, I must tell you that much of this I made without a recipe, but I wrote down, to the best of my knowledge, all the ingredients and instructions. I sincerely hope that you will ask questions, as well as notify me if you have any difficulties, with any of my recipes. Perhaps even more, I hope you will share your successes and let me know when things turned out well!

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